Notre Méthodologie - NAOS International

Notre Méthodologie

Une méthodologie de recrutement modernisée et optimisée.

Notre méthodologie de recrutement est construite sur une base modernisée des méthodes d’Executive Search. Cette approche rend notre modèle plus performant, plus rapide et mieux adapté aux secteurs et environnements en croissance forte avec une qualité de service sans concession.

Notre approche nous permet de traiter des postes d’expertise, de middle-management jusqu’au management de pays et régions.

Phase de Calibrage

Kick-off meeting

Every recruitment project begins with a kick-off meeting among those who will be involved in the recruitment process: your Operations and HR departments, and the NAOS teams. To conclude the meeting, we draw up an initial report of the candidate profile you are looking for based on our methodology and start the process of talent mapping the market.

Talent Mapping

Our extensive knowledge of your sector makes it possible for us to rapidly identify the best profiles to fit your needs. We give you a trial list of candidates soon after the kick-off meeting to allow you to see the results of the initial calibration. We will ask you to give us your comments to finalise the calibration for the profile you are looking for before we can start the process of sourcing.

Phase de Sourcing

Direct Approach

Once the kick-off meeting is completed and we have a talent map of the market, we use all communication channels to contact the candidates who meet your expectations. Three principle tools are implemented:

A. Network Activation

Our qualified contacts in the relevant area are brought in.

B. Big Data Collection

IT and online tools are used to allow us to gather a large volume of information which is later filtered.

C. Talent Mapping

We then implement our methodology which includes direct approach, cold-calling, social networks, internal databases, regional web portals and professional network.

Phase de Sélection


Two NAOS International consultants meet the candidates. In the interviews, we confirm whether the candidate matches your expectations in terms of ‘hard and soft skills’, motivation, career path, and work experience.

Specific Tests

We will include any specific tests you may want to give the candidate. We are also able to carry out personality tests to give additional information on the candidate’s individual attributes such as their personality, what motivates them and their readiness for such a position. Equally, we can put in place technical tests according to your particular needs, for example, language or financial skills tests.

Background Checks

We carry out systematic background checks with former employers. These either take place before we present the short-list of the most suitable candidates, or after you have met them.

The Candidate Report

Once each of these stages has been validated, we prepare a complete dossier of the candidate which includes their CV, current and expected salary, the analysis of their profile, etc. Equally, we can put in place technical tests according to your particular needs, for example, language or financial skills tests.

Méthodologie & Valeur Ajoutée

Nos consultants expérimentés

Les Consultants de NAOS international ont tous des backgrounds opérationnels, dans des environnements ingénierie, commerce, ou la direction d’entreprises. Cela nous donne une réelle compréhension des enjeux de nos clients.

Notre présence internationale

Notre équipe regroupe des ressortissants de 18 nationalités, qui pratiquent 10 langues natales, au sein de nos 6 filiales en propre.
Dès sa création, NAOS International s’est voulu comme « une équipe sur plusieurs géographies ». Cela donne à nos clients l’accès à une réelle force de frappe internationale, et à notre expertise géographique des régions Europe, Moyen-Orient et Asie.

Notre service Level Agreement

Notre méthodologie nous permet d’atteindre des niveaux de qualité supérieurs aux standards du marché. Cela se traduit par exemple par une forte stabilité des personnes recrutées par nos clients.

De plus, et dès sa création, NAOS International a souhaité mettre en place deux indicateurs de performances que sont :

  • Le taux de missions menées ayant abouti à un recrutement : 96%
  • Le taux de missions abouties sur lesquelles le candidat recruté était toujours en poste après 24 mois : 97%