Is this the golden age for European Tech? - NAOS International

Is this the golden age for European Tech?

As previously reported by various news media, 2020 was a record year for European Tech investments despite the challenges of 2020.

According to Forbes, the results observed in 2020 has all been based on accumulated years of increasing interest in the European Tech market.

Today, 38% of all seed-capital is raised by European startups. The number of employees in European Tech have increased by 43% over the last 4 years and an important trend is that American VC funds have become more open to funding European companies.

As Bessemer Venture Partners recently wrote, ‘Silicon Valley doesn’t have a monopoly on innovation and entrepreneurship is a borderless endeavour.’

At NAOS International, we work closely with Tech startups to hire top talents, included tech experts, who can lead and grow the organization. With increasing potential and focus on European Tech, reach out to our Senior Consultants based in Europe to find out more.

