Singapore: First it attracted US Tech giants, now Chinese Tech giants -

Singapore: First it attracted US Tech giants, now Chinese Tech giants

Singapore had already attracted the US Tech Giants, it is now attracting the Chinese Tech Giants.

Did you know that Alibaba acquired a few weeks back 50% of a tower in Singapore’s business district?

Most US Tech giants have already established their APAC headquarters in Singapore: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Twitter…

The state island is now attracting the Chinese giants that seem to want a hot hub for the booming South East Asia market.

ByteDance, Alibaba, China Telecom as well as the Chinese fintech top firms are all looking at investing and building a strong presence in Singapore if they haven’t already.

This is another sign of the growing potential for the Tech & Digital space in South East Asia with Singapore as its hub. We believe this momentum will not stop anytime soon.

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