Notre histoire

Retour sur l'histoire de NAOS International et ses faits marquants.
  • 2008

    1er bureau NAOS - Ouvert à Paris

  • 2009

    Expansion to the Middle East with opening of Dubai office

  • 2013

    Launching into Asia with an office in Singapore

  • 2014

    Expanding our footprint in Hong Kong, Indonesia & High-Growth Markets.

  • 2016

    Global Team Strength:
    30 employees

  • 2017

    Further growth in Asia with a new office in Kuala Lumpur

  • 2018

    Célébration des 10 ans de NAOS

  • 2023

    We have placed candidates in more than 40 countries, showcasing our ability to tackle global challenges.

Vous avez une idée en tête ?

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