The value brought to your team - NAOS International

value brought to your team

What is the value brought to your team?

Imagine: You go on a 1-month break starting tomorrow.
How would your team perform without you?
Now, how about a 3-month break?

We were having this discussion, a few days ago, with a client who is managing a large team of sales people across Asia.

As a Sales Leader, what should be the added-value you bring to your team? And how do you operate to make it happen?

Now, bring in the current covid situation:
Your team is spending more time working from home, and you can’t travel to meet your regional teams (and their clients).

Should your added-value change? And how do you make it happen these days?

Different time frames can be considered: short term, mid-term or long term.

Each of us will come up with different answers. Asking ourselves these questions is probably a good start.


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