With a double Master’s degree from IMIS-ESTHUA (hotel management) and ESCEM (business school in Corporate Finance), Jéromine LEROY began her career as Sales Manager and Local Consultant with the BEST WESTERN group before joining NAOS International in 2015 to develop a customer portfolio (specializing in BtoB Infrastructure & Service) and a team.
With an entrepreneurial profile, Jéromine Leroy becomes a partner and takes over the general management of the Paris office in 2023 to support the growth and collective performance of NAOS International in the service of customers and Talents. In particular, she aims to bring a strategic vision, results-oriented Humanist management, process implementation, employer brand development, sensitive listening and positive energy to unleash individual potential.
Jéromine Leroy is convinced that we can create commitment by combining performance and empathy, and that the headhunting profession is not just about finding a win/win duo between a company and a Talent, it’s also about helping people change their lives.
In 2023, Jéromine was certified as a Coach in the HEC Paris “Executive Education Coaching Avancé” program. She subsequently founded an outplacement and individual coaching program under the brand name SOL (Seek your Own Light).
In 2024, Jéromine Leroy became a Master Practitioner in « Questiologie » and specialized in Nonviolent and Assertive Communication.