According to François Delivré, the coach must :
- Understand where the customer’s PROBLEM lies in his professional context. This is the expert’s eye.
- Have the skills to CONDUCT coaching, during each session and over time. This is the craftsman’s know-how.
- Getting involved as a PERSON. This is the art of the coach’s personal genius.
Tailored, sensitive support for individuals or companies
Consultant or Coach?
It’s important to remember these fundamentals, as we are both a recruitment consultancy and certified coaches, and our two professions are often lumped together. However, we are regularly called upon to juggle the two (below: table taken from François Delivré’s book: Le métier de coach, 3rd edition, Eyrolles)
Make a contract
- Performs only a technical and organizational diagnosis
- Suggests a solution
- Takes into account the customer’s professional problem
- Responds to the customer’s request
- Sticks to “content”
- Sticks to professional issues
- Provides a framework
- Has authority over content due to competence
Make a contract
- Carries out a psychological or psychosociological diagnosis.
- Brings out the customer’s solution
- Takes into account the customer’s personality
- Analyzes the customer’s request
- Takes into account content, process and meaning
- Deals mainly with the part of professional problems linked to the customer’s personality
- Shifts back and forth between his/her own and the customer’s environment
- Has authority due to process competence
Where to find us?
Our offices are located at 130 Boulevard Saint Germain in the heart of Paris, near the Odéon station.
Face-to-face sessions are preferred. Only a few sessions can be arranged remotely.